Discovering the 8 Silk Brocades

Discovering the 8 Silk Brocades

Unlock the ancient wisdom of the 8 Silk Brocades, a revered set of Chinese qigong exercises rooted in tradition and aimed at enhancing physical and mental well-being. Delve into its mysterious origins, evolution, and myriad health benefits, from improved flexibility to enhanced emotional balance. Experience the transformative power of this timeless practice and embark on a journey to greater health, vitality, and harmony.

Creativity and Growth

Creativity and Growth

Come and spend an afternoon with me under the trees in King’s Park giving yourself some dedicated time to breathe deeply and sink into your own experience. The workshop will allow us to move from area to area taking time to encounter nature, write reflections, breathe and walk and for a gentle Qigong and movement practice.

Spring Awakening

Spring Awakening

In Qigong and Chinese Medicine, the season of spring associated with the element of wood, sees an upsurge of energy. It’s the perfect time to plant seeds - both literally and metaphorically and to develop our plans and goals for the year ahead. Find out more about how we can feel at our best in spring.

Five reasons every young person should take up yoga or qigong

Five reasons every young person should take up yoga or qigong

Teenagers are increasingly facing more pressure at school, within their communities, from social media and to fit in with friends. Yoga and Qigong can help young people to meet challenges and grow into resilient and compassionate adults. Here are five ways yoga and qigong can help young people.

Daily Practices #2 Breathing

Daily Practices #2 Breathing

The long-term benefits of breathing well are reduced stress and a lower heart rate. Find out how our modern lifestyle can promote unhealthy breathing habits, how to improve your breathing and what 3 things you can do daily to support better breath. A free recorded breathing practice is also offered to support you in breathing well for life.

Yoga, Teenagers and Covid-19

Yoga, Teenagers and Covid-19

Most teens reported an increase in stress and anxiety during lockdown, finding the experience bewildering. This anxiety has been compounded with confusion over exam results and a bumpy reopening of schools. Yoga offers young people a toolkit to navigate challenging emotions and find steadiness during the rockiest of times. Find out how, or book for my livestream Saturday morning teen and tween classes through MA&Y

Write Moves

Write Moves

25,600,000 million women are dissatisfied with their bodies. That’s a lot of women. It shouldn’t be this way. I believe that every woman should feel good about her body, and I am delighted to be teaming up with movement artist and yoga teacher Vanio Papadelli to run Write Moves, a six-week dance, movement and writing course taking place at Poplar Union supported by The Mayor of London’s Culture Seeds.

What do you think a yoga teacher should look like?

What do you think a yoga teacher should look like?

Today is the start of Black History Month and I have decided to share a blog that I wrote a few weeks ago for Yoga on the Lane about my experiences of telling people that I taught yoga. This is one of several hats I wear; yet somehow, teaching yoga seemed to be the one thing people were compelled to comment on, because in their view I didn’t look like yoga teacher.

Five ways to awaken your spirit

Five ways to awaken your spirit

What makes you feel truly alive? How do you still the chattering of your mind enough to listen to your intuition? Do you have the courage to follow your curiosity? Awakening your spirit helps you to live more fully by softening around your experience and meeting your mind and feelings with kindness.